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Quaker Teacher Fired for Changing Loyalty Oath

Monday, March 3, 2008 by Unknown

From BoingBoing.net:

A Quaker math teacher at California State University East Bay has been fired for inserting the word "nonviolently" into the loyalty oath that state employees are required to sign. The woman, who works with young people who need remedial help with math, has always made this change in the loyalty oaths she's signed throughout her long teaching career, but the CSU East Bay administration fired her for refusing to pledge to violate her religion's tenets to in defense of the Constitution (a document that guarantees religious freedom).

more here.

And from the San Fransisco Chronicle:

California State University East Bay has fired a math teacher after six weeks on the job because she inserted the word "nonviolently" in her state-required Oath of Allegiance form.

Marianne Kearney-Brown, a Quaker and graduate student who began teaching remedial math to undergrads Jan. 7, lost her $700-a-month part-time job after refusing to sign an 87-word Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution that the state requires of elected officials and public employees.

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Bill Richardson Throws Hillary Under the Bus

by Unknown

From Hot Air:

Count up the delegates at the close of business on Tuesday night and whoever’s got the bigger pile is your nominee, says Bill Clinton’s ambassador to the UN turned Secretary of Energy, knowing full well that even if Her Majesty steals Texas and Ohio from Obama the margin won’t be enough to close the gap. Thus did a man once touted as Hillary’s VP, who spent Super Bowl Sunday glued to the tube with Billy Jeff himself, render a de facto endorsement while pretending not to endorse anyone at all. Exit question: If Obama beats her in both states and she refuses to concede by the next day, does Richardson make his endorsement official?

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Black Fungus Found in Chernobyl

by Unknown

From FoxNews.com:

The research began with the discovery of black fungus growing on the walls of the damaged, highly radioactive Chernobyl nuclear reactor and collected by robots.

The fungus was rich with melanin, the same pigment that gives human skin its color, protecting the skin from solar and ultraviolet radiation. Melanin is found in many, if not most, fungal species.

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Obsolete Skills

by Unknown

The complete list is here.

Isn't Self-Defense Common Sense?

by Unknown

From Jacob Sullum @ Reason:

Under the Second Amendment, Barack Obama says, "There is an individual right to bear arms, but it is subject to common-sense regulation, just like most of our rights are subject to common-sense regulation." The leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination thus seems to be on the same wavelength as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which in a decision last March said "the protections of the Second Amendment are subject to the same sort of reasonable restrictions that have been recognized as limiting, for instance, the First Amendment."

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Legal Jihad

by Unknown

From Jules Crittenden:

America’s largest news agency has sent the lawyers after a blogger, who happens to be a long-time critic, on fair use.

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The Appeal of Authority

by Unknown

From Pajamas Media's Charlie Martin:

Web reaction to Jonah Goldberg’s book Liberal Fascism has been a classic example of what James Taranto calls a kerfuffle: the book, a serious historical argument about the roots of many threads of modern political thought with an inflammatory cover, was immediately resoundingly denounced by the right-thinking, often in essays starting “I haven’t read the book and I don’t think I’m going to bother, so I don’t think I should express an opinion…” followed by thousands of words of opinion.

More here.

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