Wordle: Of Man
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George Carlin Dies at the Age of 71

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 by Unknown

In honor and tribute to a legend of comedy and defender of the first amendment:

I didn't always agree with George Carlin's views, but I did always respect the man.
Some of his views on politics drove me absolutely insane, but he always made you think. And for that I am thankful.

Now I know this is probably the point where I'm supposed to say something like, "He's in a better place now". But, if his stand up material on the matter is any indication, I don't think he'd very much like that if he were alive.

Mr. Carlin is dead. And there is nothing worse in the world for a family member or friend to go through than to lose a loved one. We all have had or will have that experience one day. And it is my greatest hope that each and every one of you take some comfort in the fact that your lost loved ones lived their lives to the fullest extent they could.

My sincerest condolences go out to Mr. Carlin's family and friends.

note: This probably isn't the best I could do, but, this is the best I've got.

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