Wordle: Of Man
Become a StrangeBedfellow!

Everything You Thought You Knew is Wrong

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 by Unknown

The Second Amendment
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Now there's been quite a bit of debate as to whether or not the second amendment protects the individual right of self-defense or the collective right of the state to arm militias.

Look at it this way; Every other right protected by the bill of rights protects individual liberty, so why would it be different for the second amendment?

Rights are individual by nature. We as individuals have an inherent right to defend our home, our loved ones and ourselves. Just because a group of individuals decides to voluntarily associate does not mean that that association has more rights than its individual members.

Any time someone prattles on about the rights of society, all they're really talking about is the strength and power of the majority. Their reasoning is that because the majority thinks that something is bad, then, well, tough shit for the rest of you you have to do what we say. And if you don't we'll use force to make you do it. This is exactly the reason the framers of the Constitution thought it necessary to protect the
individual right to keep and bear arms. Otherwise, we might as well live in Communist China or Soviet Russia.

You know something, I probably should've done this post on Socialism vs Liberty. Maybe I'll save that for another day.