Here's a preview of Google's new open source software for mobile phones called Android.
Here's the intro:
And here's the demo:
A New G(sus) Phone on the Way?
The Spores are Coming........The Spores are Coming......
It's about damn time!! I've been waiting to play "god" for a long damn time so that I might finally "get" what intelligent design is all about.
On a serious note: I really am interested to see what this game can do. It would be interesting, to me at least, to see what kind of creatures people can come up with. This could also be a great tool for teaching evolution.
But then again, I could be wrong.
Also: Will Wright's Spore walk-through for Wired Magazine here.
Black History Month
My question to you is; Do we really need an entire month dedicated to "Black history", especially in this day and age?
I always thought that when we were taught history in school that it included "Black history", "White history", "Asian history", "Indian history", and every other "history" we've ever had in this country.
Why not give everyone their own "History Month"? Wouldn't that be the politically correct thing to do?
Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Coming Soon?
Maybe, perhaps, one day, I'll be doing video and actually make this a "Show".
We'll see.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Congress and Sports
First let me apologize for the lack of posts the last few days. It's been a little hectic here at the show. I'd also like to thank all of my friends for their support during this family crisis. To you all, I love you.
Now on to the topic at hand.
Can some one please tell me why congress is involved with the steroid "scandal" in Baseball and the "Spygate" scandal in Football? Doesn't congress have anything better to do besides spend our tax dollars on inane crap like this?
Maybe it's just me, but I think congress should concentrate on actually doing its job. They should worry about the war in Iraq, earmarks and pork, and actually protecting individual rights.
But, then again, I may be wrong.
Until next time.