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Tom Morello -The Nightwatchman

Monday, April 7, 2008 by Bill Sweeney

From the ashes of Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave, Morello has birthed a new identity/solo project that is as heavy handed as it gets. In the following clip, he talks about his activism projects, how you can get involved and performs two songs. Whether or not they're any good, is of course up to you....

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The True Cost of Public Health Care

by Unknown

What is the true cost of public health care? This video has some answers.

Thought provoking, isn't it?
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Freedom of Speech and Responsibility

by Unknown

What does "Freedom of Speech" really entail? Our new best friends over @ Bureaucrash have some ideas.

From Janet @ Bureaucrash.com:

I've been thinking a lot lately about freedom of speech. It is something that everyone in Canada and America values, or at least claims to value.

Ask a Canadian if they'd be willing to give up their freedom of speech, and they will likely tell you that in Canada we believe in free speech. Ask an American to support a candidate for president who's running on a promise to repeal the first amendment and they'll likely laugh in your face.

We are two of the freest countries in the world, and for all of our flirtations with socialism, free speech is something that average Canadians and Americans continue to have at least a strong superficial belief in.

So why is it that so often we hear the words "I believe in free speech, but..."

But what?

Well the one I hear most often is, "We believe in free speech, but freedom of speech is not freedom from responsibility."

OK, so we need to make sure that people are responsible for their actions. Let's examine this argument against free speech. (And it is an argument against free speech - unless you have complete freedom of speech, you do not have free speech. Is it freedom of religion if you can be any religion but pagan/Catholic/Jewish? Same deal.)

More here.

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The Night Watchman Report*

by Unknown

In the video below, Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute explains how tax competition is spreading around the globe and working to lower taxes and create prosperity. And how politicians are fighting against it.

*This is a new regular segment here at the show. Stay tuned every week for more.
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