An excellent rant detailing the differences between these two philosophies comes our way from Robb Allen over at The Line is Here:
More here.I shouldn’t blog angry, but if I took the time to calm down before I wrote anything, you’d get biannual posts and like it.
So, this morning I’m talking with a friend at work. Said friend (we’ll call him “Sally”) is a flaming Democrat. Sally tends to be fairly even headed and not a complete socialist twat, but he still has that core belief that for every problem, the is an equal and opposite government program to fix it.
To Sally, the government is a benign entity that only can be corrupted by Republicans. If only Democrats were in charge, nothing bad would ever happen, hence, it is totally permissible to submit every last facet of your life to Uncle Sam’s caring and compassionate scrutiny.
Yet he thinks that the government shouldn’t butt into your home life. Go figure.