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Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008 by Unknown

Of course schools kill creativity! Schools are run by bloated, behemoth governmental bureaucracies and don't benefit from free-market private competition.

Now some of you are probably saying, "But won't it be outrageously expensive to send my child to school in a free-market education system?" Well, at first, yes. But if you look at every other product or service created in the last 50 years, the first, let's say, decade or so was when that product or service was at its most expensive. After that, because of greater efficiency and innovation, prices decreased rapidly while quality increased, making those services and products more widely available. Now this wasn't because the government stepped in and started pushing companies in the "right" direction. It was individuals with creative goals, who pursued those goals ruthlessly and efficiently.That by definition is the free-market at work. Why wouldn't it be the same for education?

I'm a firm believer that innovation and progress are driven by individuals and private companies who are willing to take creative risks in the pursuit of their goals. If you look at the examples of true progress and innovation throughout the history of this worm shit smeared ball of rock we call home you'll notice that governments are not the movers and shakers they'd like us to think they are. Individuals and the companies they founded are who aren't afraid to take risks and in turn drive innovation and progress.

Schooling our young should be undertaken with the same commitment to innovation and creativity as any other product or service out there.

And here's a different though quite entertaining point of view:

Link here for more creative ideas in technology, engineering, design and a great deal more

*note: Any figures I may quote are strictly made up

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